Data that helps you invest in a racially just future.


Learn about the Criminal Justice Footprints of

105 Companies Including Most of the S&P 100

Across 9 Industries

The 2021 Criminal Justice Scorecard

Mass incarceration is one of the most significant racial injustices of our time and, too often, investors overlook corporations’ impact on this crisis. This is a mistake. Prison labor is not only a human rights issue - studies show it's less profitable in the grand scheme for companies. Poor management of diversity, equity, and inclusion risks, both in companies’ supply chains and through their hiring practices, can negatively impact business as well.

Read more about why we need investment data that accounts for these risks

FreeCap’s premier dataset allows money managers to ensure that their investments are not only aligned with their values, but producing social and financial returns.

This free download offers insight into our methodology, key findings, and notable trends found through our research. The report covers 9 industries and is based off of ratings conducted by FreeCap Financial of 105 of the largest companies in the United States, covering most of the S&P 100. Download the report below.

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